Oct 2, 2017

Meet My Father

After my mom graduated from high school, she attended college at West Virginia Wesleyan College in Buckhannon, WV.

Wesley Chapel at West Virginia Wesleyan College

While there, she met my father. 

My mom does not know when they met or how they met.  They were both in a sorority and a fraternity so maybe it was at a group function.  Maybe it was at the dining hall.  She has told me that I can make up the story of how they fell in love.

So who was my father?

Murray, my father, was the oldest of three children.  

He was born on Feb. 4, 1948.

One of my aunts was 2 years younger than him.  

My other aunt is 5.5 years younger than him.

He grew up around the Pittsburgh, PA area.  

His dad was an United Methodist minister and his mom was a stay at home mom.

He graduated from high school in 1966 and then began to attend school at West Virginia Wesleyan with a degree in psychology.  He ended up graduating from college in 1971.   
My father at about the age of 12

Then his life changed when the doctor's discovered a tumor on his pituitary gland.  He was a sophomore in college.  He had been studying when all of the sudden he couldn't see.  So a fraternity brother drove him back to the Pittsburgh area.

After his surgery to remove the tumor, he was left 75% blind.

Even before the tumor, he was an angry child.  At least that is what one of my aunts has told me.

His anger continued through his adult life.  

He was also very child like from my mother's reports about him.

I know very little about my father.  I wish I did know more.  Family history is important to me.

My grandma, his mother, told us very little.  We mostly heard about her 5 or so boyfriends prior to meeting my grandpa.  My grandpa died in 1992 so I never got to talk to him about our family.

Join me tomorrow for the continuation of my story.


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